Donate to Brain Injury Canada

Our vision is a better quality of life for all people affected by brain injury in Canada. With your support, we can work together to create real change.

How does my donation help the brain injury community?

We’re a national organization that is working hard to make lasting positive changes in multiple ways.


Information about brain injury should be accessible, free and evidence-based so that people have the guarantee that when they come to us, they’re getting the best. Programs like our resource website, our youth resource website, and our e-courses deliver vital information and tools to the brain injury community and the general public.


Canadians have the power to make the change they wish to see. We are working at the federal and international level to create new support systems through advocacy initiatives like private members Bill C-277, position papers on the chronic nature of traumatic brain injury, and partnering on research projects (including our election accessibility research).


Millions of Canadians have a brain injury, but there’s still so much the general public doesn’t understand about this often invisible health condition/disability. The brain injury community deserves to have a voice–and that voice deserves to be heard. We work with partners and organizations to bring more awareness of brain injury to every corner of Canada.

None of this is possible without the support of Canadians. Every dollar donated goes towards running our programs and helping people with brain injury, caregivers and the brain injury community.

Help us make a difference today

What are the different funds I can donate to?

Brain Injury Canada has four funds you can choose to donate to.

When you donate to this fund, you’re supporting ALL the work that our organization does. Your dollars will go towards what’s most needed at the time. These kinds of donations are incredibly important because they help us across all our education, advocacy and awareness initiatives.

Donations to this fund go to support the ongoing development of (Brain Injury and Teens youth site) and related resources/tools. We want BRITE to live for a long time as a source of evidence-based information for youth, empowering them with their own knowledge-gathering.

Concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury that affects hundreds of thousands of Canadians. Donations to this fund help us continue to develop new resources/tools and partner with other concussion-focused organizations to advance research and cultivate health care supports.

Brain injury is a complex health condition that can have a big impact on a person’s mental health. It’s important to have accessible mental health resources for people with brain injury. Donations to this fund support ongoing resource development and partnerships with other organizations on mental health research and more.

How else can I help?

We’re incredibly grateful for your support. Besides donating, there are several ways you can support Brain Injury Canada.

Share your story of brain injury

Are you a person with a brain injury or a caregiver? Personal stories are a valuable resource for people looking for connection and resources in their own recovery journeys.

Sign up for our newsletter

The more people who sign up for our newsletter, the more people we can tell about new programs, opportunities to participate in projects/research, and updates to our advocacy campaigns.

Follow us on social media

We share lots of updates and tools on our social media platforms.

Click on the icons below to join our online community.

Share a testimonial about Brain Injury Canada

Has Brain Injury Canada helped you through our programs (like our information website?) Do you feel that our organization has made a difference? Your testimonial can help us when we’re looking for new partners and developing programs. Real stories from real people make real change.