If you are a Canadian citizen and are at least 18 years old on election day, you have the opportunity to vote for your chosen representative in the federal government.
Federal elections offer several ways for you to vote, including:
- By mail
- In-person at your designated location (based on the information on your voter card)
- In-person at an advanced polling location
- In-person at an Elections Canada office
If you live in a hospital or long-term care facility, you may have the option to vote at a mobile polling station at your residence.
When making a decision on how to vote in the next federal election, it’s important to choose an option that you think will be best for you. Watch our video presentation with Elections Canada or keep reading to explore your voting options. Remember: there is no wrong way to vote.
Voting by mail
Voting by mail allows you to vote from anywhere. Anyone who is eligible to vote in Canada is eligible to vote by mail – no matter where they are at the time.
If you live in Canada and wish to vote by mail, you have to complete an Application for Registration and Special Ballot form. The form becomes available after an election is called and is accessible online, by calling Elections Canada, or by visiting an Elections Canada office.
Once your application is accepted, you will receive a voting kit in the mail. Alternatively, you can register in person for a mailing ballet at an Elections Canada office and you will get the voting kit immediately. But this can only be done once an election is called.
The voting kit includes a special ballot, two envelopes to keep your vote confidential, and instructions on how to fill out and mail your vote.
A special ballot is different from a normal ballot because it does not have the names of the candidates in your riding printed. Instead, a special ballot has a blank space to write the first and last name of your chosen candidate. You can do research online to know the names of the candidates in your riding once an election is called. You do not have to write the political party of the candidate on the ballot. If you only write the political party, your vote will not be counted.
After you are done writing your chosen candidate’s name, you put the completed special ballot in the unmarked inner envelope and seal it. Then, put the inner envelope in the outer envelope and seal it. The outer envelope is pre-addressed, so when you send the ballot in the mail it will go to an Elections Canada office.
Finally, sign your name and write the date on the front of the outer envelope. Now your vote is ready to be mailed to an Elections Canada office.
Elections Canada needs the ballots before election day at 6:00 p.m. Eastern time. Make sure you send your ballot early enough so it arrives before this day and time. If it arrives after, your vote will not be counted.
If you feel that you need help, ask a caregiver or family member. You can also speak to someone at Elections Canada if you have questions.
Voting on election day or at an advance poll
Voting on election day means voting on the day that elections are held. This is announced when an election is called.
Voting at an advance poll means voting in the designated days before the election.
Voting on election day or at an advance poll will require you to leave your house and travel to a local polling station. To vote, you must be registered and be able to prove your identity and address.
If you are already registered to vote, you will be mailed a personalized voter information card about three weeks before election day. Information about the location and time you can vote will be included on that card.
You can also call Elections Canada or check online to learn when and where to vote.
When you arrive at your voting location, an election worker will greet you and show you to the right table. You will have to show proof of your identity and address.
After the election worker checks your name on the list of electors, you will be given a piece of folded paper for you to mark your vote. This paper is called a ballot. The ballot will have the names of the candidates in your riding along with their political party or independent status.
An election worker will explain the voting process. Election workers are there to help you with any questions you may have, so don’t be afraid to ask about anything you’re unsure of, including your accessibility needs.
After speaking with the election worker, you will be directed to a screen to vote in private. If you need assistance to vote, you’re allowed to get help from a caregiver, support person, or an election worker. Remember, you get to choose who you vote for: no one should try to influence you.
Once you get behind the screen, unfold the ballot and find the name of the candidate you would like to vote for. Mark an “X” in the white circle next to their name.
Make sure you don’t write anything else on your ballot other than an “X” next to a candidate’s name, or your ballot might not be counted. If you make a mistake, let an election worker know and give them your spoiled ballot. They will give you a new one.
Once you are done marking your choice, refold the ballot and give it to the election worker, who will put your ballot in the ballot box. Remember, you can take as much time as you need.
Voting at an Elections Canada office
After an election is called, Elections Canada will set up an office in every riding across Canada. You can vote at your local office until the sixth day before election day. Voting at an office will require you to travel to the office.
After an election is called, locate your nearest Elections Canada office online or by phone. Visit the office and complete an Application for Registration and Special Ballot form. Staff are available to help you. You may also complete it online or by calling Elections Canada. Once your application is accepted, you will be given a special ballot voting kit. The voting kit includes a special ballot, two envelopes to keep your vote confidential, and instructions on how to fill out and submit your vote. This kit will allow you to vote immediately – or you may wish to wait and come back to an Elections Canada office later.
Voting this way is similar to voting by mail. You can refer to the section earlier on this page for step-by-step instructions. The main difference is that after you have sealed your ballot in the two envelopes, you drop your envelope in the ballot box at the Elections Canada office.
Voting at a mobile polling station while in a hospital or long-term facility
Elections Canada offers mobile polling stations in some hospitals and long-term facilities that allow people to vote without leaving their place of residence.
Everyone who wishes to vote needs to be able to provide proof of their identity and address. To prove your address while in a long-term care facility, you have the option to show an “Attention of Residence”, an official letter from a long-term care facility saying that a resident lives there. You can ask for this letter from the facility administrator.
It never matters how you vote – the important thing is you have the opportunity to do so. If you have any questions, visit elections.ca.