Tips for increasing mobility

Work with physiotherapists, kinesiologists and occupational therapists

The best way to improve mobility is to work with experts. Physiotherapists, kinesiologists and occupational therapists specialize in helping people improve their gross and fine motor skills, develop their muscles and strength, and overall improve mobility. By having the support of professionals and following a tailored rehabilitation plan, they will be able to make progress.

Repeat exercises and activities

Our muscles and body will learn movements the more we repeat them. The more you practice a particular exercise, the more your body will respond. This is one of the biggest parts of rehabilitation. However, practicing exercises should be spread out over time. This is a long process requiring a lot of patience. The survivor doesn’t want to go too hard or too quickly: that can result in diminished returns. In other words, they won’t see progress as quickly. This can cause frustration with the process, which also has the potential to impact progress.

The best way for the person with a brain injury to see results is to follow the program set by therapists and use exercises or activities that mimic actions they enjoy and do in their day-to-day routines. Engaging and interesting activities can produce more dramatic and meaningful recovery as the survivor is more likely to successfully repeat the action.

Use mobility aids as needed

In order to both improve mobility and keep the survivor safe, they should always use any mobility aids therapists, or the healthcare team recommend. Many continue to use some sort of aid like sturdy shoes or walking sticks to reduce the risk of further injury.


Medications may be used for controlling muscle tone, seizures, pain management (headache, central pain), dizziness and nausea. Medications should only be prescribed by and taken on the recommendation of their doctor.

You and the survivor will benefit from having a good working relationship with the doctor. All aspects of brain injury recovery take time, and this will be a long-term relationship with many check-ins. You should feel comfortable telling the doctors about any changes you notice in their health and well-being throughout their recovery. They will be able to adapt the treatment plan as needed, helping with progress as much as possible.

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