Caregiver E-courses

Brain Injury Canada has developed a variety of courses for family caregivers of people with brain injury. Our courses are designed to be accessible, focused on topics that caregivers have told us are important to them. These courses are free of charge and self-guided, meaning you can learn on your own time. Check out our current courses below.

NEW: Family Caregivers: Planning for the Future

The future can seem really far away most days, especially for caregivers. You’re mostly focused on today, tomorrow and the immediate needs of your loved one. But there may come a day when you are no longer able to be a primary caregiver. Do you have a plan in place?

Family Caregivers: Planning for the Future is a free e-course designed to help you start thinking about this complicated, emotional part of caregiving. Not knowing what the future will hold can be incredibly worrisome. And there are so many factors that go into someone’s future that it can feel impossible to predict what’s going to happen. It can feel so overwhelming that sometimes people avoid it entirely. But that can lead to being unprepared and cause a lot of issues that could impact not just you, but your loved one.

None of us can 100% predict what’s going to happen to ourselves and/or our loved ones. What we can do is our best. By planning for the future (in any capacity), you can make sure both you and your loved one have the tools and resources needed if/when things change.

Topics in this course include life care planning; medical care; financial and legal tools; and housing considerations.

This course has text-based lessons, images, and videos from people with lived experience and health care professionals. It’s available for free and will save your progress as you go, so you can learn where you want, when you want. All our content is evidence-based and peer-reviewed. 

By planning for the future today, you and your loved one will have the peace of mind that care and supports are in place.



Family Caregivers: Introduction to Brain Injury

Brain injury (also called acquired brain injury, or ABI) is a unique and complex condition. This means that for family caregivers, it’s a lot of learning as you go – there’s no set guidelines for how to care for someone with a brain injury. While we don’t know the specifics of your caregiving role, we can give you an introduction to brain injury to help answer some of your questions and give you practical tips/tools for supporting your loved one and yourself.

Topics in this course include types of brain injury, effects your loved one may experience, and the journey from diagnosis to rehabilitation. We’ve also included lots of links to helpful resources in case you want to learn more about something specific.

This course has text-based lessons, images, and videos from people with lived experience and health care professionals. It’s available for free and will save your progress as you go, so you can learn where you want, when you want. All our content is evidence-based and peer-reviewed. Each brain injury is different – but understanding what it is and how it impacts people can help you as a family caregiver support your loved one. 



Family Caregivers: Your Health & Wellbeing

As a caregiver, much of your time and energy is devoted to the health and wellbeing of your loved one(s). Unfortunately, this means that your own health and wellbeing may be neglected. But if you aren’t taking care of yourself in the ways you need, this could impact your ability to be a caregiver. The purpose of this course is to provide caregivers with an introduction to different areas of wellbeing that impact you as a person and as a caregiver.

This course has text-based lessons, images, and videos from people with lived experience and health care professionals. It’s available for free and will save your progress as you go, so you can learn where you want, when you want. All our content is evidence-based and peer-reviewed. Each brain injury is different – but understanding what it is and how it impacts people can help you as a family caregiver support your loved one.


These courses are made possible and supported by the Petro-Canada CareMakers Foundation, an organization that supports programs, tools, and resources from charitable organizations that serve family caregivers.