Definitions for parts of the brain

Auditory (au-di-tor-y): your sense of hearing.

Cortical (cor-ti-cal): relating to the outer layer of the cerebrum.

Grey matter (grey mat-ter): the darker tissue of the brain and spinal cord.

Gyrus (gy-rus): a ridge or fold between two clefts on the surface of the brain.

Hemisphere (hem-i-sphere): half of a sphere or three-dimensional circle.

Lobes: any part of an organ that seems to be separate in some way from the rest.

Motor function (mo-tor func-tion): any act or movement which is completed using motor neurons. Mo-tor neu-rons are a nerve cell that helps form pathways that passes from the brain or spinal cord to a muscle or gland.

Nerve tissue (nerve tis-sue): made up of neurons and supporting cells. One of the main four
types of tissue in your body.

Neurons (neu-rons): a specialized cell transmitting nerve impulses. They transmit information throughout the body.

Peripheral nervous system (pe-riph-er-al nerv-ous sys-tem): the nervous system outside the brain and spinal cord.

Sensory (sen-so-ry): what you experience through the physical senses of touch, sight, sound, taste, or smell.

Spatial (spa-tial): relating to or occupying space.

Subcortical (sub-cor-ti-cal): the area of the brain below the cortex.

Sulcus (sul-cus): a groove or furrow on the surface of the brain.

All definitions are taken or adapted from